Monday, August 13, 2012

Spurgeon, the great “soul-winner” preached without embarrassment the doctrines of grace to the very end. In one of his later sermons at the Metropolitan Tabernacle, preached in October 1890 he declared:

“Now brethren, we are to praise God because all spiritual blessings have come to us in the same way as our election came, ‘according as he hath chosen us in him.’ How did that come? Well, it came of his free sovereign grace. He loved us because he would love us. He chose us because he would choose us. ‘You have not chosen me; but I have chosen you.’ If there be any virtue, if there be any praise in us now, he put it there. To the bottomless abyss of his infinite goodness we must trace the election of his grace.” [1]

(From History of the English Calvinistic Baptists, p. 353)

[1] C. H. Spurgeon, Metropolitan Tabernacle Pulpit, Vol. 38, (1892; repr. Edinburgh: Banner of Truth, 1991), p. 355

1 comment:

Scott said...

All you can say is, "Amen."